Noé Araujo Advocacia has a team of professionals specialized and prepared to advise its clients in the following practice areas:
- Negotiating and analyzing contracts related to activities as such electricity purchase and sale (PPA), gas supply (GSA) and energy conversion (ECC);
- Consulting Regulatory Area Electric Energy (MME, ANEEL, ONS, EPE, CCEE);
- Litigation and Arbitration (arbitrator, expert witness and attorney) in the Energy area;
- Administrative Litigation (Regulatory Agencies);
- Court of Accounts;
- Bids;
- Administrative Contracts, and
- Gas, Oil and Electricity regulation.
- Legal advice, consulting and litigation related to agribusiness;
- Analysis and assistance on collateral transactions involving Rural Product Certificate (“CPR”) and other exchange drafts;
- Legal and tax due diligence on rural properties;
- Drafting of leases or rural partnership contracts;
- Studying operational and credit risks of our customers' businesses, and
- Analysis of export and import transactions, exchange procedures, customs procedures, and tariff revisions related to agribusiness.
- Negotiating and contracting arbitration agreements and / or mediation;
- Preparing and reviewing arbitration clauses and dispute resolution;
- Representing parties in arbitration and mediation proceedings in all Courts and Arbitration Courts related to Business Law;
- Advising customers in a pre-litigation moment to avoid or minimize the effects of litigation;
- Assistance on execution of the national arbitration awards and homologation of foreign arbitration awards;
- Acting in lawsuits to cancel arbitral awards, and
- Acting as arbitrators and mediators.
- Legal advice on Judicial and Administrative disputes, in all instances, in matters related to contractual liability, civil liability, corporate law, intellectual property, unfair competition, environmental law, real estate, credit recovery, among others, with national coverage by integrated units;
- Managing portfolio lawsuits of national and foreign companies;
- Preparing reports for audit, with risk classification and contingencies;
- Executing letters rogatory and enforcement of foreign judgments in Brazil;
- Developing legal writings, and
- Representing in regulatory agencies.
- Structuring and negotiating national or foreign transactions, with the drafting and analysis of the relevant contracts, and
- Management of national and foreign contracts.
- Incorporating and organizing companies;
- Preparing corporate documents as such articles of association, charters, contract amendments, the minutes of the general meetings and shareholders and directors meetings, and partners and shareholders agreements;
- Legal advice on buying and selling businesses, with the complete legal due diligence and drafting of the respective contracts;
- Structuring of joint ventures and strategic alliances, and
- Reorganizing companies through transformation, incorporation, merger and split-off of companies.
- Legal consulting on asset planning and succession through the use of holding companies, foundations, national or foreign trusts;
- Legal advice on asset protection;
- Drafting succession plans through a will, in order to ensure and regulate the sharing of assets located in Brazil and abroad;
- Legal advice on the purchase, sale and leasing of movable assets, as such aircraft and ships, as well as national or foreign real estate;
- Legal consulting in the preparation of the Income Tax Return, and
- Declaration of Capital Abroad and ancillary obligations.
- Registration of foreign investment and other procedures with the Brazilian Central Bank, including remittance of profits and capital repatriation, and
- Representation of Foreign Investors.
- Drafting and renegotiating international contracts;
- Customs procedures (import and export);
- Assessoria tributária fiscal permanente;
- Tax analysis of international operations;
- Litigation in international law area;
- Representing foreign companies in lawsuit;
- International negotiations;
- Transfer Pricing;
- Legal advice for international companies, and
- Incorporation of companies abroad.
- Legal advice on buying and selling real estate and leasing of real estate;
- Legal Due Diligence in acquisition proceedings, and
- Tax planning.
- Tax planning;
- Tax consulting and advice (Direct Taxes, Indirect and Social Security);
- Permanent Legal guidance on tax;
- Tax review;
- Recovering tax credits (ICMS, IPI, income tax, social contribution, PIS, COFINS);
- Tax Due Diligence, and
- Mergers and Acquisitions.